Published On 2019-03-21 12:30 GMT | Update On 2019-03-21 12:30 GMT
Dr Eun Ju Jo at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyungpook National University Hospital, School of Medicine, 807 Hogukro, Buk-gu, Daegu, 41404, Republic of Korea and colleagues have reported a rare case of Delayed diagnosis of a cesarean scar pregnancy. The case has appeared in the Journal of Medical Case Reports.
Cesarean scar pregnancy is rare but may be related to early uterine rupture and may result in massive haemorrhage. Nowadays, most cesarean scar pregnancies are diagnosed early and can be managed properly. However, diagnoses of cesarean scar pregnancies that develop in the obstetrical area are sometimes delayed.
A 28-year-old Asian woman (G3P1) who had undergone emergency cesarean delivery owing to a compound presentation at full term presented with suspicion of the abnormally located gestational sac. She had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy and open appendectomy previously. She did not have any medical, family, or psychosocial history. She had missed her menstrual period without any other symptom and visited a private obstetrical clinic to confirm the pregnancy. However, she was diagnosed as having an abnormal pregnancy such as cervical or CSP by USG.
The patient reported that her last menstrual period was just 5 to 6 weeks prior. However, USG revealed a gestational sac in the anterior lower uterine segment with a fetus measuring 4.83 cm crown-rump length (CRL) with positive cardiac activity, corresponding to 11 weeks and 6 days of gestation. Colour/power Doppler images depicted a hyperechoic rim of a choriodecidual reaction with excessive vascularity (Fig. 1). Although we could observe a definitive abnormally located gestational sac, our patient did not have any pain during the physical examination. She admitted that her last menstrual period was different from her usual menstrual periods. Because CSP or cervical pregnancy was suspected, we performed computed tomography (CT) for a definitive diagnosis. The CT scan showed an intrauterine gestational sac in the lower uterine segment bulging through the anterior uterine wall at the site of the cesarean scar. No invasion of the urinary bladder was observed (Fig. 1). On presentation, her β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) level was 66,536.8 IU/L (Day 1). Initially, we injected 50 mg of methotrexate (MTX) mixed with 9 mL of normal saline in the amniotic sac through a 22-G needle transabdominally under USG guidance. Simultaneously, 2 ml of amniotic fluid was aspirated for termination of the pregnancy. However, fetal cardiac activity was still observed 2 days later (Day 3), without significant changes in the serum β-hCG levels (65,342.5 IU/L). We decided on laparotomy instead of laparoscopy because of the large CRL (Day 4). The intraoperative finding showed bloody amniotic fluid, blood clot, placenta, and a fetus at the lower segment of the uterus. A transverse uterine incision was made at the lower segment of the uterus (Fig. 2). The gestational sac was removed, as well as most of the trophoblastic tissues that were adherent and invading the wall of the lower uterine segment. The fetus and placenta showed no definitive abnormalities (Fig. 2). The estimated blood loss was 1.2 L at intra-operation, without immediate complication. The uterine defect was repaired into two layers by using 2–0 Vicryl sutures. Our patient received 3 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC) at the ward postoperatively. The serial β-hCG level was 1958 IU/L at 4 days after the surgery (Day 8). She was discharged in good condition 5 days after the operation (Day 9). After 1 month (Day 39), her β-hCG levels returned to normal (2.8 IU/L). She was very satisfied with the fact that she had recovered well without the need for intensive care or further treatment without the need for hysterectomy.
Fig. 1The initial transabdominal ultrasonography images show a gestational sac (bold arrow) located anteriorly in the lower uterine cavity with an empty uterine endometrial cavity (narrow arrow) (a). The color/power Doppler images depict a hyperechoic rim of choriodecidual reaction with excessive vascularity (b). The computed tomography image shows an intrauterine gestational sac in the lower uterine segment bulging through the anterior uterine wall at the site of the cesarean scar without invasion of the urinary bladder (c, d)
Fig. 2Bulging lower segment of the uterus observed during open laparotomy (a). The gross finding shows the placenta and fetus measuring 6.0 × 2.4 cm without other gross anomalies (b)
Although the diagnosis of CSP is rarely delayed, its treatment is important because it can be life-threatening. However, no treatment for CSP has been established and few cases have been reported. More cases and multicenter cohort studies are needed, and laparotomy with local MTX injection may be a treatment option.
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